COVID-19 Quarantine Information
COVID-19 Quarantine Information COVID Symptom Screening COVID-19 Exposed Student-Staff.pdf Sick Student Send Home Report.pdf

COVID 19 Restrictions (Yellow - Moderate):
Visiting Teams: Temperature checks prior to arrival Spectators: 75% capacity limits, masks, and social distancing highly recommended. **Restrictions may be updated as we get closer Ponca . . .
Senior Class Trip Fundraiser
Senior Class Trip Fundraiser!!! Who would you like to flock? Contact Mrs. Balvantin lisabalvantin@poncaschool.org

Christmas Food Drive
The Ponca Elementary Student Council, The Good Ole Boys, and Thrivent Financial hosted a food drive to help restock the shelves of the Ponca Community Food Bank/Dixon County Food Bank in Ponca and the Dixon County Food Bank . . .

Christmas Elf Visits Ponca School
Ponca High School Principal Mrs. Allison Stansberry makes it a fun holiday season for students and staff!
Fall Athletic Passes
Home Games Only
Passes are good for all Ponca home regular season athletic events for the Fall 2023-2024 Season Students: $60.00 Adult: $75.00 Family: $120.00 . . .
Apply for free/reduced lunches
Free Reduced Lunch Letter and Application Please apply for the free or reduced priced lunches as the school receives Federal and State reimbursement funds for every meal served. The main components of receiving free or reduced . . .
Congratulations to the class of 2022!
The Ponca Graduation Ceremony will be held Saturday, May 7th at 10:30 a.m.

Jackson Elementary is celebrating the 100th Day of School!
Jackson Elementary is celebrating the 100th Day of School!

2021-22 Safe Return to School Plan
Approved July 19, 2021 Return to School Per Federal mandate, this document outlines the plans for Ponca Public Schools as we address the status of the COVID-19 Pandemic for the 2021-22 . . .

Congratulations Ponca Seniors!
Class of 2021 you will be missed. Thank you for the memories.

Ponca High School to Offer Dual Credit College Algebra and Pre-Calculus
Wayne State College Math Credit
Ponca High School is proud to announce their partnership with Wayne State College to offer two math courses that students may earn both high school credit and college credit starting in the 2021-2022 school year. Mrs. Sadie Voss . . .
Boys and Girls All-Conference Basketball Players Announced.
2020-2021 All-Conference Basketball Players Girls Basketball All-Conference Boys Basketball All-Conference

2020 Ponca Public School Virtual Veterans Program
Ponca Public School Virtual Veterans Program Submitted by Cindy Anderson In honor of Veterans Day celebrated on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, Ponca Public Schools hosted a school and community-wide virtual . . .

Lewis and Clark Conference Volleyball Champions
Photo credit: Jim Kingsbury
Lewis and Clark Conference Volleyball Champions
Learning Management Systems at Ponca Public Schools
Teachers are encouraged to use Google Classroom for the K-6th Grade and Canvas for the 7th -12th Grade
Learning management systems (LMS) are software or web-based applications that provide a central, integrated space for educational resources, including content resources, assessment tools, grading tools, and administrative tools. They offer a . . .
USDA Extends Free Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved FREE Lunch meals for ALL Ponca. Public School District students. Free meals will be available through December 31, 2020, or until funding is depleted. Who . . .
Softball T-Shirt Order Form
Order your softball T-Shirts today! Turn orders into the high school office by Tuesday, September 1st.
Free/Reduced Lunch Application For 2020-2021 School Year!
Income Eligibility Guidelines Set
Click to read the letter from Ponca Public School Superintendent, Duane Krusemark and Application!
2nd Grade Virtual Field Trip to Dr. Kramper's
We’re Going on a VIRTUAL Field Trip Exciting news! We went on a virtual field trip to Dr. Kramper’s Farm in Willis, NE to watch sheep shearing on April 16, 2020. Mrs. Hayes recorded Dr. Kramper . . .

Pre-School Registration
Incoming Preschool Information : If you intend on sending your child to Preschool next year please contact Jackson Elementary (402-755-5700). We will send registration materials and requirements as soon as we receive your . . .

Ponca Public School District Plan for Remote Learning
Supporting Learning in the Cloud Ponca Public School is committed to building a solid educational foundation for all individuals by providing a quality learning environment and promoting standards of excellence. In the . . .

Child Development Field Trip to WSC
Ms. Beyke's Child Development 1 class recently took a field trip to Wayne State College to utilize the early childhood program's observation room. After studying cognitive, social/emotional, and physical development in preschool-aged . . .

HOBY Ambassadors 2020
AREA SOPHOMORES SELECTED FOR LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Ponca High School sophomores, Mackenzie Schram and Kennedy Harding, have been selected to attend the 2019-2020 Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership . . .

4th Grade Field Trip
On Wednesday, December 11th, the 4th graders toured Gene Watchorn and Julie McDowell’s Christmas Display. They would like to thank Gene and Julie for allowing their classes to tour their awesome display. Merry Christmas!

Opt-In to receive text messages from Ponca Public Schools Notification System!
This is only for people that are already in the Ponca Public Schools notification system!
If you are not receiving text messages from the Ponca Public Schools text messaging system (School Messenger) and you want to receive text messages you need to opt-in! You can send a blank text or # sign to . . .
May ~ Calendar ~ Lunch Menus
Ponca Public Schools will no longer be mailing out school newsletters. Please access the new and old newsletters online each month from the Newsletter tab at the top of the school website. The lunch menu can be found on the . . .
Opt In to receive text messages from the Ponca School Messenger system
(majority of you already receive text but if you do not please do the following)
You must contact the school to have your phone number added to the school messenger system if you want to receive phone calls or text messages in regards to school alerts. Once your cell phone number is added send a text message to . . .
Jackson Halloween
Jackson Halloween Jackson has trunk-or-treat so the students can show off all of their costumes. The Jackson teachers had a farm theme. The Ponca Cooks also have Spirit!!
Reminder: One hour late starts every Monday during the 2017-2018 school year for professional development.
Reminder: One hour late starts every Monday during the 2017-2018 school year for professional development. 9:10 Late Start Mondays (High school students See the Bell Schedule For . . .

Ponca Boys Basketball 2017 State Champions!
Congratulations to the Ponca Boys Basketball Team and Coaches for winning the Boys Basketball Class C-2 Championship. There will be a celebration honoring the team Tuesday at 6:30pm.in the school gymnasium!
The Ponca Community Educational Foundation (PCEF) announces it’s 2017 Funding Opportunities for Ponca Graduates, School District Employees, and Patrons of the District.
One of the purposes of the PCEF is to promote and support educational opportunities for the students of the Ponca Public School District. The main avenue of support has always been funding scholarships to Ponca High School graduating . . .

Introduction to Careers and Technology Class
Mr. Olander's Class
The Intro to Career and Technology Class at Ponca High School, consisting mostly of Freshmen students, has completed their 9 week unit on woodworking. Each student in the class must follow a plan and completely build a small . . .
Boys and Girls Basketball Games Replayed on Great Plains Station
Channel 2
Ponca vs. Hartington Boys Basketball 7:00 pm Each Night Thursday March 3 – Wednesday March 9 Ponca vs. Hartington CC Boys Basketball . . .

We Have a Goal and We NEED your HELP!
Be sure to make arrangements to donate blood to the Lifeserve Blood Center next Thursday, October 29, 2015, at Ponca School from 9:30 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. The P.H.S. Student Council is sponsoring this blood drive during Red Ribbon . . .
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship for NON-TRADITIONAL STUDENTS
If you are a non-traditional student who is returning to the classroom after some period of time in which you formal education was interrupted or you are just beginning your education at a later point in your life and you are a member of the . . .
HyVee Receipts
Save your Hy-Vee receipts – our school receives $1.00 for every $100.00 in receipts. Receipts must be dated August 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016. So please bring them in to any school office. (Sorry, but we are unable to . . .
Elementary Supply Lists
2015-2016 ELEMENTEARY SUPPLY LISTS Click the link to access the supply lists

Ponca Girls Basketball Team State Bound!
Ponca girls basketball team returns to the state tournament for the first time since 2000. Friday evening and Saturday morning was a fun filled but stressful time as the team and coaches waited to see who would win the . . .

2014 All-State Chorus Members
Lexie Eifert Senior Alto I - 3-YEAR RECIPIENT Kianna Kramper Senior Alto II Keoka Zavadil Sophomore Alto 1 Alternate Rachel Bentz Sophomore Alto II Jacob Bennett Sophomore Tenor I Alisha Sullivan Senior Alto I

Volleyball Champions!
Ponca varsity volleyball traveled to Hartington this past weekend to compete in the Wildcat Volleyball Tournament. The girls defeated Wausa, Wynot and Hartington-Newcastle to claim the championship. Ponca girls increased their . . .
Ponca Volleyball Girls
Tri-County Conference Tournament Champions!
Ponca varsity volleyball teamed traveled to South Dakota this past week for a tournament. The girls went 3-0 and won the Tri-County Conference Tournament. Congratulations girls! . . .
E-Funds For Schools
(Pay For Lunches Online)
The Ponca School District is pleased to introduce a new program call e-Funds for Schools. This program offers various options for parents/guardians who choose to make payments on-line for lunches. You have the ability to make lunch . . .
All of snowcap school alerts have been deleted out for the new year. This is not the school reach system we use to notify parents, students and teachers in case of school not being in session or of an emergency. Snowcap is a . . .
Support Program for Families with Grieving Children
When: The 3rd Monday of each month during the school year (call to check dates) Time: Sessions run from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Children and teens are divided by age. Adults meet concurrently. Location: Hospice of Siouxland Cost: . . .
Weight Room Membership Fobs Expired
Weight room membership FOBS expired, September 1, 2014. To renew your membership see Patti Boyle in the Ponca Elementary Office or send the signed contract and payment with your child. The cost for renewal is $120.00 for the year . . .
Ponca Supports the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Ponca Public School Teachers, Staff and Student Groups step up to the plate to donate and accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

Poppy Poster Recognition Awards
Poppy Poster recognition awards were given to students in grades 3-6 at Ponca Public School on Friday, April 25, 2014, by Clair and Vera Hamar representing the Jackson . . .

Ponca Elementary Teachers Motivate Students
Featuring "Principal Bob Hayes"
The creative Ponca Elementary Teachers sing their version of the "Eye of the Tiger" to motivate students to do well on the NeSA test. The video features principal Bob Hayes! The video can also be found on YouTube at YouTube . . .

Cheerleaders Fund Raising Project
The Ponca Cheerleaders and their Coaches, Brooke Lewon and Julie Sydow used their creative skills of fund raising! They sold strips of tape to students and staff members to tape elementary principal, Bob Hayes to the wall during lunch . . .
Parents Can View Accelerated Reader Progress Online
A Parent's Guide to Renaissance Home Connect for Accelerated Reader We are bringing the classroom to your living room. Research confirms that parental involvement in a child's education is a strong predictor of student . . .

Marching Band Receives 1st Place
Congratulations PHS Marching Band and director, Joe Keefe! The marching band received first place at the Wayne State College Parade Contest last Saturday, September 28th.
Loft Bids
You can bid to use the loft during this Thursday nights football game. Ponca plays Wakefield Trojans. If you would like to place a bid e-mail Bob Hayes at bhayes@esu1.org or drop off a bid at the office. All bids . . .

Poppy Poster Contest Recognition
In May of 2013, the Jackson American Legion sponsored poppy poster contest recognition awards were given to students in grades three through six at Ponca Public Schools. The following first place posters were then sent on to be judged . . .

Poppy Poster award winners announced
Poppy Poster recognition awards were given to students in grades 3-6 at Ponca Public School on Friday, April 26, 2013, by Legion Commander Virgil Kleve representing the Jackson American Legion and Jackson Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary. . . .

Ponca hosts first track meet at the new sports complex!
Ponca hosted the Lewis and Clark Conference Track Meet Saturday, April 27th! History was made for Ponca Pubic School as it was the first Track meet held at its new sports complex.

Winter Awards Night
Tuesday, March 19th all winter activity participants were recognized. Pictured are some of the seniors that were recognized.

Hunter Education Class
April 8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , &29 th 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Martinsburg Community Hall “Old school house” Students must register online @ . . .
Student Fund Raiser to Support Ponca and Jackson Fire Departments
As one of the character lessons on citizenship at Ponca School prior to Christmas, money was collected from the students and staff to purchase teddy bears/stuffed animals for the Ponca and Jackson/Dakota City Fire Departments. These . . .
Summary of Report
At the request of the Newcastle and Ponca School Boards of Education contracted, Key Concepts of Omaha, NE to conduct a feasibility study for the school systems. You may click on the link below to see the summary of the study. . . .

Student Council Baking Christmas Elves Are Busy Again!
Tuesday night, December 11, 2012, when the Ponca boys and girls basketball teams hosted the Laurel Bears, the Ponca High School Student Council members sponsored their annual Holiday Cake Raffle. Twenty one beautifully decorated cakes were . . .

Voting Extended till December 19th.
WE NEED A PLAYGROUND! Help Ponca Elementary School Win a Power a Bright Future grant from Clorox! Ponca Elementary School needs your help to win up to $50,000 in The Clorox Company’s Power A Bright Future grant . . .
Website Activities Calendar
Check out the Activities Calendar on our school website. provides up-to-date school activities and events allows you to view and print a daily, weekly or monthly list of calendar events includes a search option . . .

New School Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House
Double click each picture to enlarge and see slideshow of additoinal pictures
(Pictures taken by Patti Boyle)
PowerSchool - Single Parent Login
With single sign-on access parents/guardians can access all their children in the Ponca School District with one login and one password. To get started, you must go to the PowerSchool Parent Portal from the school website click on the . . .

2012 Boys Basketball Team State Bound
Click the Ponca Staff Video link to see the Sendoff Staff Video at the end of this article
PONCA BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM DISTRICT CHAMPIONS Congratulations to the Ponca Boys Basketball Team for winning the Boys Basketball District game against Oakland - Craig 46-42. There will be a community pep rally for the STATE . . .

Conference Champions!
Congratulations to the Ponca Boys Basketball team and coaches for an awesome win over Winnebago in overtime to earn the title of 2012 Lewis and Clark Boys Basketball Tournament Champions. Ponca out scored Winnebago 64-51. The win . . .
Ponca High Football Order Forms
2011 Order Form Due by September 16, 2011 Click to Access the Order Form

REQUIREMENT OF THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR! Starting next fall (August 2011), all Nebraska students in grades K-12 are required by law to have 2 doses of . . .

Texting, Cell Phones and Social Networking
See suggestions below for Facebook
Karen Haase, Attorney at Law firm Harding & Shultz recently gave four presentations to students, staff, administrators and parents at Ponca. Karen gave a presentation to the 10th-12th graders in the morning, 6th through 9th . . .

View Slide Shows On Progress of School
2nd Phase of School Underway
Numerous Slide Shows to click through CLICK THE SLIDESHOW LINKS BELOW AND CONTINUE TO CLICK THROUGH THE PICTURES Fine Arts Center August 1, 2011 June 27, 2011 . . .

Cookbooks for Sale
Help Raise Money for Technology Ponca/Jackson teachers are in need of interactive classroom projectors to enhance student learning. Your help is greatly appreciated in . . .