Key Concepts in Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
Etiquette and Respect In grades K - 5, students will: In grades 6 - 8, students will: In grades 9 - 12, students will: • . . .
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media (CSM) is a San Francisco based non-profit organization that advocates on child and family issues, and studies the effects that media and technology have on young users. Common Sense Media FREE materials are . . .

Twitter Safety
Here Are Links For Twitter Users To Stay Safe and Informed:
Guidelines for Law Enforcement
Online Safety Web Sites
Many online safety sites out there offer information, online tools, videos, podcasts, and more to help you learn about and teach online safety to students. online-safety/ . . .
Your Child's Cyber Secret
Dateline NBC is a wildly popular Web site where teens and adults can find each other, and sometimes find trouble. You may never have heard of the site, but most kids have. Dateline’s Rob Stafford reports on why parents must mind MySpace.
Where are your Children Hanging Out Online?
MYSPACE is growing rapidly.
Over the past several months there has been a rapid growth of websites for teenagers to post personal information about themselves. These sites go beyond Instant Messenger, Chat . . .