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Ponca School



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Athletic Booster Board Members

Brian and Lindsay Burell

Codi Hrouda

Jayna Keller

Andy and Kayla Stark


The Ponca Athletic Boosters was formed in 1997.  Since that time, the support of the community has allowed the booster club to give back to the school’s athletic department and provide items needed in the weight room, as well as equipment for athletics.  Ponca Public School currently has many athletic programs, including softball, volleyball, cross country, basketball, wrestling, track, golf, and cheerleading.  We have donated money for teams to go to camps in the summer, so players do not have to generate funds to pay for camps/lodging.  We have donated money for weight training equipment, ice machines for the school, and many other items for the student-athletes.  In addition to providing items for the teams, a scholarship is provided each year to a senior student-athlete who is continuing their education.  This program is run by volunteers who want to help support our student-athletes

We ask for new members to join the booster club and have current members pay dues.  Our big fund-raiser is our clothing sale in which we sell school gear for the games.  This helps to cover costs for athletic equipment throughout the year. To order clothing, click on our Fan Club link on www.poncaschool.org website.  Thank you for your support!


Ponca Athletic Booster Club




$20.00 for Singles

$30.00 a couple or business

Or give to Brian o



Business Name:_______________________________________


please return to P.o. box 603, ponca, ne 68770

You may also give to Brian or Lindsay Burrell, Jayna Keller, Codi Hrouda, Andy or Kayla Stark


  Go Big Blue!!!