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Ponca School

Elementary - Jackson


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Pre-2nd Grade Fun Educational Websites



Coloring Pages  Animated Coloring pages, drawings to print - ages 6-10

Language Arts / Reading

Children's Literature  Children's literature is a field of writing intended to be enjoyed by children up into their early teens and which may have existed since as far back as the 1400's. As with any genre of literature there are various sub-genres including fantasy stories, picture books, realistic fiction, biographies, non-fiction, etc. Many children's stories feature pictures to accompany the tales. The resources provided here can be used to immerse yourself in the world of children's literature where you can learn about the authors, learn where to go to begin writing your own children's stories, and much more.

Clifford Interactive Storybooks  The site provides phonics skills practice for early readers as they actively listen to words read aloud from engaging stories.  The site also includes a teacher's guide with lessons.

First GradeBackpack - a great site for first grade students, they can read these on their own

I'm Reading  Learn to Read

Little Explorers - Interactive dictionary allows children to read brief descriptions of objects and organisms, and follow links to web pages about them

Online Reading Younger Elementary Reader  Online stories and games for early elementary children

Epic! for educators has thousands of free books for grades K-5


AAA Math - designed for grades K-8, helps with basic math skills with interactive practice and challenging games

Change Maker - activities to work on money counting skills

Count Us In  - Learning Numbers, time etc.

Educational Games  Variety of subject games.

Math  Math.Com covers everything from basic math to statistics and calculus to help students understand their math homework.  Games, formulas and tables and study tips and test preparation are a few of the things you will find at Math.com.

Math Games PK-8th Grade  Mobile skills to play on chromebooks and worksheets to print

Math Playground  Math games K-6th Grade.  

Multiplication  Click on Student link and find numerous activities and strategies to learn the times tables.  Parents can click on the parent and teacher link to help their child learn the times tables as well.

Stanley Park Chase - Times Tables==help Dexter find his gold by solving multiplication problems

WebMath  Math Help for Students and Teachers

Word Problems for Kids - test math skill with challenging math word problems - for grades 5 and up.  Great site to get students thinking.



Brain Games  K-8 students and teachers - kids games and quizzes

Education 4 Kids - This site contains learning games for k-12, but specifically for different ages in K-8 for math, social studies and language.

Educational Games  Variety of subject games.

Fun Brain - many games and activities for grades K-8--variety of subjects

Fun School for children, printable games, and online games - Pre-School to 6th grade

Funology - contains many games, puzzles, and many more fun activities for all ages

Gamequarium - learning games and activities for grades K-6

Interactive Education and Learning - online math and English games, resources and activities for grades K-8

Kids Hub is a free online interactive learning center for elementary school students through 12th grade. It features fun educational games, puzzles, and quizzes.

Primary ages 4-11 - contains word games, read-along stories, math activities and more for Pre-K and Kindergarten

Little People Games  From Fisher Price, shapes and colors, matching, testing your memory, what's different, and animal sounds.

Online dictionary.

Online Thesaurus.com  -  Online Thesaurus

Online Merriam-Webster - Dictionary and Thesuarus

PBS For Learning - PBS LearningMedia a offers educators FREE classroom-ready curriculum resources and  professional strategies to fully utilize digital learning.

Primary Games - contains all sorts of educational games for elementary students

Thesaurus.com  -  Online Thesaurus



How Volcanoes Work - Resources on the science of volcanoes

HumanAnatomy Online  Begin your tour by choosing a system...

Monarchs & Migration - Monarch butterflies and their migration patterns

Oceans Alive! - Looking into the ocean

Scanning the Electron Microscope - Information on electron microscopes

Science Learning Network - a useful site that contains other resources for science questions

Science Ology - Insight too many science areas

Solar Max - Information on the sun

The Wind: Our Fierce Friend - The wind and how it works

Water in the City - Water and its water ways

Zoom Astronomy - Comprehensive site on astronomy and astrology 

Science Show Kids:  (K-1) a Youutube chanel shor short video lessons ona  variety of topics on animals, space to fun science expieriments.

Social Studies 

Educational Games  Variety of subject games.

Geography skills with different activities, best suited for grades 4 and up

Harriet Tubman - provides links for information on Harriet Tubman

Learn the 50 States  Learn everything there is to know about the 50 states in the US.

 Sheppard Site on States Position the state pieces on the US map.

Games to Learn the States Provide games to teach students the states


Little Explorers - Interactive dictionary allows children to read brief descriptions of objects and organisms, and follow links to web pages about them

Online Reading Younger Elementary Reader  Online stories and games for early elementary children

Writing Den - Improve your writing



A+ Math Games - various math games and activities 

AAA Math - designed for grades K-8, helps with basic math skills with interactive practice and challenging games

Ask Dr. Math  Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers.

Basket Math Interactive  Basketball Math

Batter's Up Baseball - a fun way to practice math skills by playing baseball

Brain Teasers - brain teasers for 3-8 graders posted weekly

Change Maker - activities to work on money counting skills

ConvertIt- Convert numeric formats, temperatures, measures, and weights.

Education Place - challenge yourself with fun math puzzles and interactive math quizzes

Educational Games  Variety of subject games.

Basket Math Interactive  Basketball Math

Math Help for Students  Math Help for Students

Figure This! - Math challenges

Go Math Algebra Solutions - this is a good site for any students needing help or practice with algebra skills

 Interactive, educational, activities for children 5-14 - contains printable games, storyteller, auto-maths, scrambler

Math print-offs - for teachers and students

Math  Math.Com covers everything from basic math to statistics and calculus to help students understand their math homework.  Games, formulas and tables and study tips and test preparation are a few of the things you will find at Math.com.

Multiplication  Click on Student link and find numerous activities and strategies to learn the times tables.  Parents can click on the parent and teacher link to help their child learn the times tables as well.

Multiplication Chart Using a multiplication chart is a great way to learn multiplication of numbers. It's a handy reference that with continued use helps a child memorize their multiplication facts.  

PBS For Kids Math

WebMath  Math Help for Students and Teachers

Word Problems for Kids - test math skill with challenging math word problems - for grades 5 and up.  Great site to get students thinking.




Brain Games  K-8 students and teachers - kids games and quizzes 

Education 4 Kids - This site contains learning games for k-12, but specifically for different ages in K-8 for math, social studies and language.

Fun Brain - many games and activities for grades K-8--variety of subjects

Fun School for children, printable games, and online games - Pre-School to 6th grade

Funology - contains many games, puzzles, and many more fun activities for all ages

Gamequarium - learning games and activities for grades K-6

How Stuff Works - answers all your silly to serious questions about how stuff works

Interactive Education and Learning - online math and English games, resources and activities for grades K-8

Kids Hub is a free online interactive learning center for elementary school students through 12th grade. It features fun educational games, puzzles, and quizzes.

Secondary Ages 11_16 - contains word games, read-along stories, math activities and more for Pre-K and Kindergarten

Online dictionary.

Online Thesaurus.com  -  Online Thesaurus

Online Merriam-Webster - Dictionary and Thesuarus

PBS For Kids Games

Power To Learn - Various learning games on various subjects


Auroras: Paintings in the Sky - Information on Auroras and how they come about

Earthforce! - Information on earthquakes

Educational Games  Variety of subject games.

How Volcanoes Work - Resources on the science of volcanoes

HumanAnatomy Online  Begin your tour by choosing a system...

Monarchs & Migration - Monarch butterflies and their migration patterns

Oceans Alive! - Looking into the ocean

PBS For Kids Science

Scanning the Electron Microscope - Information on electron microscopes

Science Learning Network - a useful site that contains other resources for science questions

Science of Cycling - The science of riding a bike, includes physics

Science Ology - Insight too many science areas

Solar Max - Information on the sun

Syvum Interactive Education and Learning - science activities and games best suited for grades 5-8

The pH Factor - pH levels and their meanings

The Wind: Our Fierce Friend - The wind and how it works

Water in the City - Water and its water ways

Zoom Astronomy - Comprehensive site on astronomy and astrology 

Social Studies 

 Ancient Civilizations - information on ancient civilization in the east

Geography skills with different activities, best suited for grades 4 and up

Harriet Tubman - provides links for information on Harriet Tubman

Learn the 50 States  Learn everything there is to know about the 50 states in the US.

Sheppard Site on States Position the state pieces on the US map.

Interactive Education and Learning - history games and test worksheets for grades 3-6 to test different history skills

The Wright Bros and their first flight attempts.

U.S. History, Explorers, Fun facts